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Change to AFS and 40 Series Valve Handles

Change to AFS and 40 Series Valve Handles – Notification of Change

Effective January 5, 2021, in the spirit of continuous improvement, we will make a change to the nylon handles used on our standard AFS and 45 series ball valves by replacing the current brass handle insert with a more robust, stainless steel handle insert. The new handle will be easier to actuate and will incorporate the handle stop into the handle, removing the need for an additional handle stop insert. This change also aligns with our standardization efforts to streamline our supply chain by using the same handle for AFS and 45 series valves.

This change will not affect the handle function or any valve ordering numbers. However, it will result in a change to the size of the handle used for 45 series valves and in handle kit ordering numbers. The new handle will carry the same dimensions as the current AFS series handle. See the diagram below for a visual example of the change and dimensional information.

Change to AFS and 40 Series Valve Handles

In addition, we will implementing the same change to existing 42, 43, and 44 series handles effective Q2 2021, updating the handle insert from brass to stainless steel. This will make this handle consistent with the 40G handle design, which already includes the stainless steel insert. This will not change the fit or function of these valves, and there will not be any changes to end item or handle kit ordering numbers.